What You Need To Know About Amazon SimpleDB

Posted on June 02, 2008 in Uncategorized

Announced today, Amazon SimpleDB is an amazingly simple, highly available, fast, massively scalable, on-demand, schema-free database cluster built in the same spirit as Amazon S3 and EC2. Check out this article and see what you can do with it.

read more | digg story

Customize the iDVD background Apple Logo - macosxhints.com

Posted on May 16, 2008 in Hack

As you may know, iDVD includes (by default) the Apple logo watermark on your DVD. You can disable this in the General section of iDVD's preferences. In my case, however, I wanted the watermark, but I didn't want it to be the …

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iMovie '08 Library Compressor | iNik

Posted on May 13, 2008 in How-to

This is a simple program to reduce the size of your iMovie 08 library.

I love iMovie ‘08. I know, I know, it has less whizzy features than iMovie ‘06 does, but darn it, it’s so darn fast and easy to build videos. I …

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Mac mini dual monitors using DualHead2Go - voice.firefallpro.com

Posted on May 08, 2008 in How-to

When we first set up the office here in NYC, we made an early decision to go with Apple products for development. Now don't get me wrong, I love Apple, indeed I am a recent inductee into the Apple Fan Club. However …

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Wfuzz - A Tool for Bruteforcing/Fuzzing Web Applications | Darknet - The Darkside

Posted on April 30, 2008 in Hack

Wfuzz is a tool designed for bruteforcing Web Applications, it can be used for finding resources not linked directories, servlets, scripts, etc, bruteforce GET and POST parameters for checking different kind of injections SQL, XSS, LDAP,etc, bruteforce Forms …

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html2wiki - Convert HTML text to wiki markup

Posted on April 29, 2008 in How-to

html2wiki - Convert HTML text to wiki markup

Use this browser based converter to format any html page (including tables) for:

Based on the perl module HTML::WikiConverter and it works great.

Drop.io: Simple Private Exchange

Posted on April 27, 2008 in General News

Drop.io enables you to create simple private exchange points called "drops."

The service has no email signup and no "accounts." Each drop is private, and only as accessible as you choose to deliberately make it. Create multiple drops, add any type of media, and …

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Internet Superstar #13 - Revision3.com

Posted on April 23, 2008 in General News

FlickrFan public beta

Posted on April 19, 2008 in General News

FlickrFan public beta

FlickrFan is a new kind of RSS reader for the Macintosh. You subscribe to feeds of cool pictures and show them on the screen of your laptop, desktop or best of all, a big screen high-def TV in your den, office or living room!

What can FlickrFan …

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Add Twitter to your blog (step-by-step) - remysharp.com

Posted on April 09, 2008 in How-to

Linked is a working example of loading twitters after the page has completed, thus preventing the whole page from locking up.