Become Your Own Web Host in 75 Steps

Posted on January 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

Become Your Own Web Host in 75 Steps

One of the biggest issues involved with becoming a web publisher is the question of hosting.  With an internet clogged with false hosting review sites, hosting companies trying to rip you off, and hosting companies run by 14 year olds, the majority …

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Reinstalling Windows XP Without Drive Format

Posted on January 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

Eugene Computer Services - Eugene, Oregon - Reinstalling Windows XP Without Drive Format

Objective: To reinstall Windows XP in order to obtain a fresh
install/registry, but without possibly deleting data stored on the
drive by the customer.  This document assumes that Windows XP is presently installed in the standard WINDOWS directory …

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nUbuntu Stable is OUT!!!

Posted on January 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

nUbuntu is a collection of network and server security testing tools, piled on top of the existing Ubuntu system. While aimed to be mainly a security testing platform, nUbuntu also operates as a desktop enviroment for the advanced linux user. New Release out now.

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Top 75 Security Tools

Posted on January 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

Top 75 Network Security Tools

Respondents were allowed to list open source or commercial tools on any platform. Commercial tools are noted as such in the list below. Many of the descriptions were taken from the application home page or the Debian or Freshmeat package descriptions. I removed marketing fluff …

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Google Pack of usefull tools

Posted on January 06, 2006 in Uncategorized

Official Google Blog: Make your computer just work

So you bought a new PC for yourself or a relative during the holidays. There was the initial excitement about its speed and the nice screen %u2013 and then it came time to actually get it running. Which meant embarking on some …

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Software - DMS for Mac OSX

Posted on January 04, 2006 in Uncategorized

AFP548 - Document Management in the Fresh Air

Installing Alfresco to create workflows and manage your documents

Alfresco is a fun open source project that I've been playing around with lately. It's similar to EMC's Documentum, which if you've never played with allows you to create workflows for documents. It's billed …

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Create a hard-drive based OS X installer

Posted on January 04, 2006 in Uncategorized

macosxhints - Create a hard-drive based OS X installer

A recent post reminded me of a trick I've been using for the past year or so with great success, so I figured I'd share. Being a Mac specialist, I find myself having to do OS installs on a pretty regular basis …

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Software - Bwana

Posted on January 04, 2006 in Uncategorized


Bwana is a manual page viewer for your browser. It parses man pages in real time to provide the most up to date pages in an easy to read format. The pages have links to other man pages, http and email references--the way man pages should have been from …

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Take Back the OS X Services Menu

Posted on January 01, 2006 in Uncategorized

One advertised feature of Mac OS X was the services menu, that allows other applications to perform tasks globally. Unfortunately, nobody I know of actually utilizes this menu which eventually becomes bloated with unnecessary services. Now you can disable any unwanted services, rearrange the order, or even change the key …

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Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Forget before You Begin the Build!

Posted on December 23, 2005 in Uncategorized

Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Forget before You Begin the Build!

The following article is featured in the ExtremeTech book "Build The Ultimate Custom PC." This article details simple, yet sometimes forgetable, steps a builder must take before building a custom PC.

There's no worse time to realize …

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