Terminal Services Setup Guide (2003)

Posted on March 23, 2006 in Uncategorized

Learn the best way to batten down the hatches on your servers without going too far.
by Kenton Gardinier for ftponline.com
Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services in terminal server mode can be run in either the Full Security or Relaxed Security compatibility mode to meet your organization's security policy …

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Ipod Diagnostic Mode

Posted on March 22, 2006 in Uncategorized

A list and description of ways to further run diagnostics on your ipod. All the way from testing your scroll wheel to Scanning your ipods hard drive

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Cryptic Apple Serial Numbers: SOLVED

Posted on March 22, 2006 in Uncategorized

Apple Serial Numbers have always been cryptic to the untrained eye, but this guy has figured it out. Just enter in the serial number and it will return all the data that can be wrung from the SN (model, date of production, etc...).

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Intro to Open Source Scripting on Mac OS X

Posted on February 28, 2006 in Uncategorized

Introduction to Open Source Scripting on Mac OS X

One of the biggest advantages of Mac OS X's UNIX heritage is the huge range of open source scripting languages available. Scripting languages are often the ideal tool if you want to manipulate text, manage jobs, or link together disparate components …

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Reports emerge of Mac OS X Trojan horse or worm (OSX.Leap.A)

Posted on February 17, 2006 in Uncategorized

Reports emerge of Mac OS X Trojan horse or worm - Yahoo! News

Reports indicate that someone has let loose a "Trojan horse" or worm for Mac OS X users. The program is hidden within a package that purportedly contains screenshots of Apple's as-yet unannounced next major revision to Mac OS …

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Accessing a Windows 2003 Share from OS X

Posted on February 16, 2006 in Uncategorized

all in the head - Accessing a Windows 2003 Share from OS X

At home we have a Windows 2003 Server running as a domain controller and file server. Whilst this does its job pretty nicely for Windows clients, I've never been able to connect to it successfully with my Mac …

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Handy CSS layout generator for web developers

Posted on February 07, 2006 in Uncategorized

Someone on IRC pointed me to this CSS generator, and the number of options and output are impressive. The ability to have verbose comments in the CSS is a nice way to learn what browser hacks are being implemented (and gives you an easy way to pull them out if …

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Removing unused device drivers from Windows XP machines

Posted on February 01, 2006 in Uncategorized

Did you know that unless you uninstall a device driver on a Windows XP machine that it still may be sucking up valuable system resources? Here are step-by-step instructions on how you can view and remove these unnecessary devices.

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Enable XP Pro features on xp home

Posted on February 01, 2006 in Uncategorized

This hack allows xp home (oem or upgrade) to have all features of xp pro. This includes remote desktop. Finally making xp home worth something.

kd notes: I don't know for sure if this works 100% so be carefull.

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How-To Install Apple’s Front Row

Posted on January 28, 2006 in Uncategorized

` How To Install Apple%u2019s Front Row - AndrewEscobar.com <http://www.andrewescobar.com/archive/2006/01/10/front-row/>`__

Thanks to an update from Apple, Front Row can now be easily installed on any Mac running 10.4.4 Tiger. While you previous had to rely on quirky hacks, Front …

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