Email "Spamming" and Email "Spoofing"

Posted on November 16, 2004 in General News

Here is a snip of a great article explaining Virus Spoofing from

Email-distributed viruses that use spoofing, such the Klez or Sobig virus, take a random name from somewhere on the infected personís hard disk and mail themselves out as if they were from that randomly …

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Google on your cell phone.

Posted on November 01, 2004 in General News

Google SMS (Short Message Service) enables you to easily get answers to specialized queries from your mobile phone or device. Send your query as a text message and get phone book listings, dictionary definitions, product prices and more. Just text. No links. No web pages. Just the answers you're looking …

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Mac OS X Security Advisory

Posted on December 17, 2003 in General News

Malicious DHCP response can grant root access
Affected Software
Mac OS X 10.3 (all versions through at least 26-Nov-2003)
Mac OS X Server 10.3 (all versions through at least 26-Nov-2003)
Mac OS X 10.2 (all versions through at least 26-Nov-2003)
Mac …

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Securing MYSQL by

Posted on September 02, 2003 in General News

Part three and the final installment, so far, in securing your web server by the crew at

Securing MySQL: step-by-step

Live report from MacWorld NY 2003

Posted on July 16, 2003 in General News

Check back for live coverage of Macworld New York 2003. AppleMatters will be reporting live from the keynote address by Greg Joswiak, Vice President of Hardware Product Marketing starting at 9:30 am. Bookmark this page and see you then!
7:49 am
What …

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Mac OS X Panther

Posted on July 02, 2003 in General News

Mac OS X Panther is set to roar onto the scene later this year, and itís something you donít want to miss. No matter how you use your Mac, Panther makes better, sporting improvements from head to paws. Learn more about the future today in this Sneak Preview, and stay …

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