Javablog » Apple OS X Leopard doesn’t have Java 6

Posted on November 16, 2007 in General News

And worse yet… if you installed the Java 6 beta release in Apple OS X Tiger, then when you upgrade Java won’t work at all! Read on if this has affected you…

The solution I used was to completely move the following folders to a backup location


and all your Java 6 installation receipts from /Library/Receipts/.

Then re-install Java from the Leopard DVD with the commands

open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages/Java.pkg
open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages/JavaTools.pkg

It seems that unless the aforementioned directories/files are moved… the Leopard installer will not install any JavaVM binaries. After this, you probably want to install the “Optional” package XCode as I’m sure it has some parts of the JDK that aren’t installed by default.

That said… the Java 5 implementation is a lot snapper than it used to be! The Java 5 documentation can be downloaded from the Apple Developer Connection when you have signed up.