Over 160 Free Personal Information Managers

Posted on September 04, 2006 in Uncategorized

Over 160 Free Personal Information Managers - lifehack.org

The best type of software for productivity is personal information manager (PIM). They are softwares which help you oraganising your personal information, such as contacts, calendars, emails, notes etc. To give you choices …

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Digg Labs

Posted on September 03, 2006 in Uncategorized

digg labs

Digg Labs: A broader (and deeper) view of Digg
Digg moves very quickly, and has a great many stories submitted every day, so good material can sometimes fly by before you even know it. These interactive visualizations look beneath the surface of the Digg community's activities.

Python 101 cheat sheet

Posted on September 03, 2006 in Uncategorized

This is a great Python cheat sheet.

read more | digg story

serveradmin - man page

Posted on September 02, 2006 in Uncategorized

Manual Page For serveradmin(8)

serveradmin -- command-line interface to Mac OS X Server administrative daemon

serveradmin is a utility for administering services. In general, it gives you access to the same functionality present in the Server Admin application. It must be run by root.

Access control lists

Posted on August 30, 2006 in Uncategorized

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger : Page 8

Access control lists, or ACLs, are a finer-grained, more flexible way to control file permissions: who can do what to which files. In Tiger, ACLs are a supplement to the traditional Unix file permissions.

How to Build a Cost Effective Development Environment for Windows Server

Posted on August 28, 2006 in Uncategorized

How to Build a Cost Effective Development Environment for Windows Server 200X from Enterprise Solution Providers White Papers at silicon.com

This guide was written to allow a reader to quickly understand 'How to build a cost effective Development Environment for Windows Server 200X'. A Development Environment at the most …

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How to Prevent the Winmail.dat File from Being Sent to Internet Users

Posted on August 25, 2006 in Uncategorized

How to Prevent the Winmail.dat File from Being Sent to Internet Users

This article describes how either an Exchange Server administrator or end users can prevent the Winmail.dat attachment from being sent to
Internet users when using the Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail
Connector (IMC).

LDAP Authentication In Linux

Posted on August 25, 2006 in Uncategorized

LDAP Authentication In Linux | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This howto will show you howto store your users in LDAP and authenticate some of the services against it. I will not show howto install particular packages, as it is distribution/system dependant. I will focus on "pure" configuration of all …

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Best Practices: Operations

Posted on August 08, 2006 in Uncategorized

AFP548 - Best Practices: Operations

The Mac OS X Server community tends to be an odd one in the larger IT world. It isn't because of the relative scarcity of our OS, or the strange hardware, it's because the sysadmins are often not sysadmins. The people tasked with Mac OS X …

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Posted on July 18, 2006 in Uncategorized

MODx Content Management System | Home

MODx is an open source PHP Application Framework that helps you take control of your online content. It empowers developers and advanced users to give as much control as desired to whomever they desire for day-to-day website content maintenance chores.