AppleInsider | Patent reveals universal Apple wireless touch-screen remote

Posted on July 06, 2005 in Uncategorized

Apple Computer recently researched and developed a wireless touch-screen remote control concept that would automatically discover and communicate with existing and future consumer electronics appliances as well as the personal computer, a filing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office has …

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50 things you can do with a mac mini

Posted on June 20, 2005 in Uncategorized

Some quick tutorials to get you started turning your Mac into a web, mail and calendar server.

HOW-TO: Add an auxilary jack to your car

Posted on June 15, 2005 in Uncategorized

HOW-TO: Add an auxilary jack to your car - Engadget -

iPod ebook How To

Posted on June 13, 2005 in Uncategorized

There’s a somewhat little know and often-unused function of iPod called "Notes" which can actually be quite handy for storing and reading text, creating a locked "kiosk mode", quizzes, games as well a full-length ebooks. The Notes reader is located in …

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Nifty Little CSS Guide

Posted on June 13, 2005 in Uncategorized

Making the Jump to tableless design

Install Open-Xchange on OS X Server

Posted on June 06, 2005 in Uncategorized

An introduction and tutorial for the installation of a popular, versatile open source Groupware program.
This groupware gives the following function:
  • portal : the first user page showing last information
  • webmail : web access to internal messaging system
  • calendar : let you manage your personnal and pro …

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Apple may switch to Intel chips

Posted on June 06, 2005 in Uncategorized

Apple has used IBM's PowerPC processors since 1994, but will begin a phased transition to Intel's chips, sources familiar with the situation said. Apple plans to move lower-end computers such as the Mac Mini to Intel chips in mid-2006 …

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Google Sitemaps

Posted on June 03, 2005 in General News

We're undertaking an experiment called Google Sitemaps that will either fail miserably, or succeed beyond our wildest dreams, in making the web better for webmasters and users alike. It's a beta "ecosystem" that may help webmasters with two current challenges: keeping Google informed about all of your …

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Setting Up Linux Server

Posted on June 03, 2005 in General News

This tutorial really should be titled "How to get your Debian server off the ground as quickly as possible", since it's based on minimal Debian Linux (stable) install.
Here you'll be able to get your box secured very quickly, and then get the services …

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Some Mac OS X Hacks and Tips

Posted on June 02, 2005 in General News

smash's world 6.8c: My Favorite Mac OS X Hacks and Tips --_ the offical homepage of Ben Guild (smash)