Screencasts of uncommon browser features [dive into mark]

Posted on August 21, 2007 in How-to

# Introduction to tabbed browsing
# Opening links in a new tab
# Bookmarking a group of tabs
# Using a group of tabs as the home page
# Rearranging tabs
# Introduction to live bookmarks
# Introduction to spell checking
# Introduction to search engines
# Adding a …

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10 minutes to run every Windows app on your Ubuntu desktop

Posted on August 13, 2007 in Uncategorized

This simple guide will bring up the Windows start menu inside GNOME and allow you to run, use and install any Windows app (that can run in a VM) inside your existing desktop. It takes about 10 minutes to setup, minus the time to install Windows, and involves one command …

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Happy SysAdmin Day!

Posted on July 31, 2007 in General News

In honor of all the underpaid, overworked, answering your pager in the middle of the night guys and girls working hard to keep things running this one goes out to you.

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The Secret Language of Babies - Amazing Medical Breakthroughs

Posted on July 21, 2007 in Uncategorized

After testing her baby language theory on more than 1,000 infants around the world, Priscilla says there are five words that all babies 0–3 months old say—regardless of race and culture:
Neh="Im hungry"
Owh="Im sleepy"
Heh …

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JBoss 4.2.0.GA clustering on Ubuntu Fiesty 7.04

Posted on July 10, 2007 in Uncategorized

Quick and easy tutorial on how to cluster a JBoss application server on Ubuntu Fiesty 7.04.

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How to backup MySQL, web server files to a FTP server automatically

Posted on July 04, 2007 in Uncategorized

This is a simple backup solution for people who run their own web server and MySQL server on a dedicated box or VPS. Most dedicated hosting provider provides the backup service using NAS or FTP servers. These service providers will hook you to their redundant centralized storage array over private …

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Mr. Magorium's Trailer

Posted on June 28, 2007 in General News

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iPhone guided tour from Apple

Posted on June 22, 2007 in Uncategorized

Watch a 20 min video guided tour of the iPhone from Apple

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10 Linux Shell Tricks You Don't Already Know. Really, we swear.

Posted on June 17, 2007 in Uncategorized

Here’s a bunch of damn useful commands you haven’t heard before.
1. A Simple way to Send Output and Errors
2. Parallelize Your Loops
3. Catch Memory Leaks By Using Top via Cron
4. Standard in directly from the command line
5. Set a Random Initial Password, That …

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Rolling Your Own Online Office

Posted on June 13, 2007 in Uncategorized

I've done a lot of telecommuting in my life. My first real writing gig came when I was 16 as a freelancer for a computer magazine whose offices were 3,000 miles from my house, and since then I've worked for a number of blogs, web startups, and computer game …

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