Zero to Continuous Integration with Windmill | Adam Christian

Posted on September 30, 2008 in How-to

Following ‘automation’ and ‘continuous integration’ in the micro blogging world I have seen a major influx in people being super interested in functionally automating their web apps. I have seen a slew of things about Grid, and Selenium, and people hacking on Watir so I decided to show you from the ground up how incredibly easy it is to get automated test running setup using Windmill and Hudson. I am not going to walk you through every detail, this is much more high level but I do plan to start a ‘continuous integration’ page on in the near future for those kinds of details.

The first step is to get a couple machines that you want use as slaves and a machine to run Hudson, our setup looks like this:

Each of the machines with a different OS has Windmill installed. To make them slaves you simply bring up the Hudson web page on the machine, and run the launcher.. now it’s a slave — crazy easy right?

Now to setup test runs for the machines, in Hudson you click: “New Job” on the left hand side and do something like the following: