Test Early » Hudson - Tips and Tricks

Posted on October 05, 2008 in Experience

Hudson is an open source CI server that is by far the easiest one to configure. Second to ease of use is Hudson’s impressive plug-in framework, which makes it easy to add features. For instance, Hudson has a plug-in for tracking FindBugs issues, PMD issues, and CheckStyle issues over time as well as code coverage. It also trends test results from JUnit, as well as build results and corresponding execution times. In spite of all these cool features, we had to find ways to get around some common issues we faced at work using Hudson.

This article describes a few real-life tips and tricks that we have found at work and will assist in configuring Hudson to work most effectively in your environment as well:

1. Changing Hudson home directory
2. OutOfMemoryError
3. Securing Hudson
4. Hudson Views
5. Hudson and Groovy
6. Spaces in directory names
7. Browser to use