PHP on AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Cameron Stokes’s Blog

Posted on April 19, 2011 in How-to

A great article and simple way to take advantage os Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk service even if you don't work in Java. I'm working on integrating this approach with Eclipse's AWS Toolkit to access all the server management tasks close to my code. I'l post and update if it turns ugly.

via PHP on AWS Elastic Beanstalk | Cameron Stokes’s Blog.
While Amazon claims they’re working on other platforms, initially Beanstalk only supports Java applications deployed in the Apache Tomcat 6 container. However…using Quercus, a “100% Java implementation of PHP 5″ from Caucho, we can run PHP using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. All it takes is setting up a simple Maven project.