Gmail Notifier for Mac OSX
Posted on September 02, 2005 in Uncategorized
Gmail Notifier for Mac OS X from Greg Miller of
Here is a little tool for you Mac based Gmail users.
The app is small and nonintrusive, but hopefully still has all the features a Mac user would want. With it you can:
- view messages without opening a browser- open Gmail in your browser without forcing you to log in again- make Gmail your default email program- even more...
For those of you who don't have a Gmail account yet go to and get signed up. The new authentication process uses your cell phone to prove your a breathing human being... pretty slick. If you already have an account for one of Google's other services and you use the same username/email address setting up Gmail then your Gmail account will take over as your identifier for those services... does that make any sense? Maube it's just me.